再: another time; again; once mo ...答辩: reply; reply in support of o ...要点: main points; key point; esse ...第二次答辩: rejoin; rejoinder论点: argument; thesis第二次答辩: rejoinrejoinder抗辩要点, 答辩要点: point of plea诉状要点, 答辩要点: point of pleadings被告向原告第二次答辩: rejoinder准再答辩: respondeat ouster第三次答辩: rebutter一开始的答辩, 首次答辩: primary allegation答辩: reply (to a charge, query or an argument); reply in support of one's own idea or opinion 公开答辩的权利 the right of public reply; 毕业答辩会 graduation oral examination对被告的第三次答辩作辩驳: surrebut答辩, 报告: render an account of答辩, 抗辩: ad respondendum答辩考: competitive examination答辩权: right of reply答辩人: pleader; respondent答辩书: answer; bill of defense; statement of defence答辩者: answerer答辩状: a wer;reply; answer to the complaint; answer; reply; libellus contradictionis; libelluscontradictionis; pleadings假答辩: false answer无答辩: nient dedire; nihil dicit; nil dicit要点;论点: point